Patent Architect LLC

Patent Architect No Longer Requires a Subscription!


Technical Support Resources

Table of Contents

Support Contact
System Recommendations
Known Issues

Support Contact

Technical Support questions, may be emailed to

Include Your License Id and Customer Name if available.

Support may be limited for unpaid users.

System Recommendations

Recommended Minimum
Computer/Processor 1 Ghz or Above
Memory 512 MB
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP, SP2
Microsoft Office Word 2003

Patent Architect works on 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows. However,

    Patent Architect only works with 32 bit versions of Microsoft Word on Microsoft Windows.


  1. Verify that Microsoft Word is correctly installed.

  2. Verify that Microsoft Word is the 32 bit version (not the 64 bit version).

  3. Verify that you are using Microsoft Windows.

  4. Download Patent Architect’s setup.exe file.

  5. Run Patent Architect’s setup.exe from a user account with Administrative rights.

  6. Open Microsoft Word and locate the Patent Architect Tool Bar to verify Installation.

    1. Open the Toolbar

    2. Click On Application Setup

    3. Application -> Setup Menu to verify license status

Patent Architect Installs by Default to c:\program files\Patent Architect.
A Microsoft Word Template named should be coped to the Microsoft Word Startup Folder. If the copy fails, then the template file is located in the default installation director and will need to be manually installed.


Patent Architect is free and no longer requires a license to be activated.


Known Issues

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